Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Making a braiding disk for making cords

Making a braiding disk for making cords

By Karen Lothrop

my patterns and freebies http://www.freewebs.com/artknitter/


Plastic lid

Sharpie pen


Ribbon, yarn, or thread

You can keep it green by making a braiding disk from the many plastic covers you have. It’s great for kids and any time you have to wait. It’s pretty flexible so you can take it about anywhere.

I used an oatmeal box cover. I’m sure you have loads of plastic covers and loads of yarn.

Step 1 get your lid mark 16 places on the edges

1 comment:

Ann said...

I used old cd discs. They are the perfect size with a hole already in the middle. I heated the edges with an embossing heat tool and then cut the slit with kitchen shears. I read that they could also be placed in boiling water, but I didn't try this.