Saturday, April 14, 2007

Machine knitted fancy fur by Lion brand and vinyl

well I couldn't resist this was done the same as the purse below except I didn't square off the bottom this time.ts lined with 2 pockets inside. I bought the handles at Joanne's fabrics

Monday, April 09, 2007

Using vinyl on the knitting machine

How to use faux leather on the knitting machine

Please don't copy and paste use the link.
Give me credit for this design.
Karen Lothrop

It is getting to be that time spring! I wanted a new bag. The prices were high my interest in buying low. Here is what I did. I bought some vinyl and I had yarn.
I wanted a nautical feel. I used cotton for the fabric and yarn. I bought the handles. The draw string is 3 strands 5 X’s what ever length you want. I wove it in and out of the 3rd row from the bottom.

I cut a piece 20 inches by 14 inches. I put the edge up to my needles and marked with a gel pen.

I used a hole punch and punch holes

I added fabric strips I punched holes across both ends which will be the tops.

Hang from the holes you punched wrong side facing you

e wrap the first row and knit manually loosely.

knit 46 rows you want to end with carriage on left.

You pick up every other stitch from your first row and hang it on the machine knit 1 row. You just hung your hem.

Here’s what the hung edge looks like. Now do a crochet cast off. Do the other end the exact same.

Here is what your piece will look like.

Fold your piece in half. Go to your sewing machine and stitch the side up to the knitting. Use a tapestry needles and stitch up your knitted top by hand I used the mattress stitch.

From the side seam I measured 2 inches. Draw a line and sew across. This makes the bottom square

I made the lining the same way and added pocket. There are lots of books and sewing patterns if you need more info on that.